Landing on "China Brand Day" TCL Air Conditioning Highlights Big Country Brand Style

With the development and rise of China's own brands, more and more domestic brands have begun to take the world stage. On May 10th, the “China Brand Day” series with the theme of “China Brand World Sharing” was grandly opened in Shanghai. 50 units from all provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities, and major central enterprises participated in the exhibition, and some of them were more well-known and influential. Big brands are also invited to come. For example, the big country brand TCL, which has a high voice among the consumer groups, was invited to appear with the Guangdong delegation to the fair and forum. TCL air-conditioning intelligent flagship "T Rui" series also appeared at the show, with its leading intelligent technology and product experience, interpretation of the unique charm of Chinese brands.

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TCL core industry fist products all unveiled at China Independent Brand Expo

Thick and thin smart strategy to promote TCL air conditioning upgrade

As the fastest-growing enterprise in the air-conditioning industry, TCL air-conditioning has always been the driving force for the industry. It has not only achieved rapid growth for 8 consecutive years, but also passed the threshold of 10 million sets of annual production and sales in 2017, rushing into the top five in the industry. A milestone has been achieved. After entering 2018, TCL Air Conditioning put forward a brand-new brand proposition that “leads air conditioners into a new era of intelligence” and comprehensively promotes the intelligent upgrade of its air-conditioning products. According to the target population and market demand, TCL air-conditioning launched three new series of flagship, star, and popular.

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Staff introduced TCL air conditioning smart flagship "T Rui" series

The flagship “T Rui” series is a collection of TCL air-conditioning intelligent technology, equipped with comprehensive intelligent technology, which can achieve more energy-saving through three schemes of “artificial intelligence algorithm”, “intelligent power management” and “1Hz ultra-low frequency control”. The goal is to save energy by about 30% compared with the ordinary air conditioner under the full working condition. At the same time, it has the industry-leading super high value, the overall full streamline appearance, round shape, champagne gold crystal panel is noble and elegant, can be said to be TCL air conditioner 2018 The “all-rounder” of smart products in the year.

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The star series "e涟" hangs up, which is the main explosion of TCL air conditioner this year. It can still be cooled strongly under 60°C high temperature, and it is equipped with the main intelligent technology. The design is designed with the theme of enamel and beautiful water ripple panel. And the ochre blue translucent side panels, the overall appearance is crystal clear, extraordinary. The e涟 series products are super cost-effective, and have the advantage of the main brand price in the case of the same energy efficiency, which is the real potential explosion. The popular series of "Zhiduobao" hang-up is a basic intelligent product for price-sensitive consumers. It is equipped with basic intelligent functions, all streamlined appearance, and relatively affordable price will make it difficult for consumers to resist.

Focus on hotspot TCL air conditioning personalized marketing eye-catching

Chinese branding is inseparable from Chinese companies. Chinese companies are the new Chinese value system and the most powerful and active body for China to go global. Under the guidance of the national strategy of “Brand Powerful Country”, in addition to further improving its technical strength and product strength, TCL is also actively developing brand power, promoting Chinese brand building and praising the Chinese brand story. In recent years, TCL has responded positively and quickly to the country's call for “playing the leading role of the brand” and launched a series of actions that use Chinese brands as a carrier to tell Chinese stories and convey Chinese values. It is the first to implement “brands with practical actions”. Chinese companies with strong national strategy.

In the past April, TCL air conditioners have actively appeared in the global vision through a series of advertising, sports and entertainment marketing methods, creating a “most hot May 1st” for consumers and iron powder: April 17th, TCL & Neymar's global conference was held in Sao Paulo, Brazil. TCL global brand ambassador Neymar praised TCL air conditioners frequently, while Neymar & TCL air conditioners also appeared in the country. On April 20th, TCL fans night air conditioning event was held in Hangzhou. Sharing passion games with CBA fans and cheering for Chinese basketball; On April 25th, TCL global brand spokesperson Ma Tianyu won the "Charity Star of the Year" award, injecting new positive energy into TCL air conditioner; on April 28, TCL air conditioner jointly launched The suspense of the brainstorming movie "The Behind the Scenes Player" was officially released, which coincided with the opening date of the TCL air-conditioning iron powder carnival, which caused a lot of discussion among netizens. With the wonderful performance of the staff of TCL air-conditioning “Iron Powder Wisdom”, the “Tail-Axis” TCL air-conditioner global iron powder carnival activity also officially kicked off, pushing the heat to a higher level. Among a series of hot events, TCL air conditioners have undoubtedly gained a wide range of attention and exposure on a global scale, and have also brought the brand influence of TCL air conditioners to a higher level. Nowadays, TCL air conditioners are shining on the "China Brand Day", showing the world their own growth, rise, and transformation, and also show their global style as a big country brand.

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TCL air conditioners participate in a number of hot events to create "the hottest May 1st"

Under the simultaneous development of hard power and soft power, the brand image of TCL air conditioner is more mature, more confident, and more deeply rooted in people's minds. The innovation of product concept and the advantage of product competitiveness also make it more and more available on a global scale. Consumer recognition. In 2018, TCL air conditioners will achieve the upgrade and transformation of brand value, and this big country brand will be known to more people and shared by the world.

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